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Traffic Value Metric
Nightwatch Deep Research
AI Overview Tracking in Nightwatch
Tracking Positions on LLMs
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Creating Global Views to track all keywords account-wide
Tagging your keywords
Review your ranking data with SERP Preview
Importing Keywords from Google Search Console and Discovering New Keywords Automatically
Deleting Your Keywords
Check your Rankings on Android Devices
🆕 Keyword Cannibalization Feature
Advanced Keyword Insights with Dynamic Columns
Batch Adding and Adjusting Keyword Settings
How can I see when I first time added the keyword to Nightwatch?
Why Did My Rankings Drop?
Can We Edit Keywords After Saving Them?
How to Track Keywords Across Multiple Countries, Locations, Languages, Search Engines, and Devices
Can I force or manually refresh keyword rankings update?
Understanding Nightwatch's Main "Rank"
I'm trying to delete the keyword but don't see this option. What's the problem?
Understanding Average Position, Search Volume, Click Potential, and Search Visibility Index
Why is Rank in Local Pack Not Showing Up?
How Is the Keyword Distribution in the Top 3, 10, and 100 Measured?
Why do I get these error messages: "Keyword limit exceeded" when adding new keywords?
Why is my website not ranking for any of my keywords?
Why Do Rankings Differ When I Search on My Local Device?
How do I know if the recent on-site optimization resulted in my keyword rankings' gains or losses?
How can I track different types of keywords separately with their respective dashboards?