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Filtering keywords into different Views
Filtering keywords into different Views

How to filter keywords to display and analyze specific data and dashboards.

Maja Nagelj avatar
Written by Maja Nagelj
Updated over a week ago

Nightwatch allows you to dynamically filter keywords based on their different properties to give you better visibility to analyze data of your choice and allows you to save these filters into separate Views.

On this page:

Quick Filters

You can leverage the power of quick filters and a new keyword table to quickly spot the ranking changes on keyword groups based on tags, locations, and search engines.

You can access quick filters just above the keyword table:

Advanced filters for creating views

You can use powerful advanced filters to create separate views based on any metric on your keyword table that is important for your tracking purposes. By saving the views, you can access them at any time.

There are 2 ways of how you can filter your keywords with Nightwatch and save views:

  • At the left sidebar of your website’s dashboard, under “Keywords,” click “(+) New view.”

  • Under “Filters,” create a View based on the different “Fields” and their relevant “Conditions” based on your specific segments.

  • To save this specific filter, click “Save.”

You can also create a view directly in the All Keywords main view.

  • Click on All Keywords view in the left sidebar,

  • Select Advanced Filters above your keywords table,

  • Under Filters, create a View based on the different Fields and their relevant Conditions based on your specific segments.

  • To save this specific filter, click Save.

Here's the list of filters that you can use:


To filter and list keywords containing specific strings.


To filter tracked URL for a specific keyword (useful for setting up Global Views).

Last position change

To filter the number of the last position changed on the keyword.


To filter and list keywords within a specific location.


To filter and list keywords of a set language.


To filter and list keywords with a specific best position for all tracked rank types.

Previous position

To filter and list keywords with a specific previous position.

Best position

To filter and list keywords with a specific best position.

Position organic

To filter and list keywords with a specific organic position.

Position in local pack

To filter and list keywords with a specific local pack position.

Position in image carousel

To filter and list keywords with a specific image carousel position.

Position for featured snippet

To filter and list keywords with a specific featured snippet position.

Position for knowledge panel

To filter and list keywords with a specific knowledge panel position.

Search volume global

To filter and list keywords with a specific estimated monthly global search.

Search volume local

To filter and list keywords with a specific estimated monthly local search.

Average CPC global

To filter and list keywords with a specific average global cost per click in USD.

Average CPC local

To filter and list keywords with a specific average local cost per click in USD.

Daily change

To filter and list keywords with a specific daily change position.

Weekly change

To filter and list keywords with a specific weekly change position.

Monthly change

To filter and list keywords with a specific monthly change position.

Keyword date added

To filter and list keywords with a specific date they were added to the tool.

Keyword date last updated

To filter and list keywords with their specific last updated date in the tool.

Ranking Full URL

To filter and list keywords with a specific ranking URL.

Keyword tag

To filter and list keywords with a specific tag assigned to them.

Search engine

To filter and list keywords with a specific search engine it was assigned to when it was added.


To filter and list keywords with a specific device it was assigned to when it was added.

Reading and exporting data of a View

Once you have saved a specific filter, you can access the View by clicking its name at the left sidebar of this specific URL page. Clicking it will load the dashboard specifically assigned to this View:

Screen Recording 2021-06-24 at PM

You can also export your View into a report by clicking the Open Report Builder button found on its dashboard page:

Use Views to segment keywords

You can use Views to segment keywords by search volume, ranking change, tag, or any other data aggregated or stored in Nightwatch. You can also use Views to segment keywords to track them based on different locations, languages, search engines, and more.

You can also use Views to filter keywords data into so many different segments, such as:

  • Search engines,

  • Devices (mobile or desktop),

  • Countries,

  • Languages,

  • Ranking changes,

  • Keywords involving your brand name,

  • Broad keywords,

  • Specific keywords based on context,

  • And many other data aggregated or stored in Nightwatch.

This is so that the keywords can be analyzed and scrutinized separately based on their segments:

  • Average ranking of segmented keywords,

  • Search visibility of segmented keywords,

  • Click potential of segmented keywords,

  • and more.

This method will give you a really detailed view of your rankings, the site’s behavior, and trends on search engines, as well as allow you to understand which segments you should be focusing on to achieve better visibility and more conversions.

Check out our tutorial video on YouTube:

If you would like to learn more about segmentation techniques you can use in Nightwatch View, check out our guide on How to Use Segmentation in SEO to Dominate Your Niche Markets.

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